As your organization grows, your document and information management
requirement will be more demanding. Atrium Cubicle will make your job
easier. It can store and retrieve massive amount of data in various
formats effortlessly. Its graphical user interface makes even new users
feel right at home managing their information need. So, if you want
to simplify your life, Atrium Cubicle is an answer for you.
Cubicle is a powerful electronic filing system that will increase your organization's efficiency.
Cubicle lets you organize and search for your files through its easy-to-use
graphical interface. The way Cubicle works simulates how we normally
file and retrieve our documents, only in a faster and more efficient
way. The stored documents can be easily shared among colleagues via
printing, faxing, exporting, and e-mailing. Cubicle is an easy solution
to improve your efficiency and return on investment.
Cubicle for the client-server platform
Cubicle for the web application platform
For more information, contact [email protected] or call (+662) 883.0991-4.